Office hours: Mon-Sun: 8am - 6pm
Driver hours: Mon-Sun: 6am - 10pm

Customer Service

+44 20 7060 0858

Insurance Terms and Conditions

Please make sure to read Terms and Conditions in regards to our Insurance before you book our services.

REMOVALS LONDON COMPANY - Insurance Terms and Conditions

REMOVALS LONDON COMPANY Insurance Terms and Conditions

Goods will be covered by our insurer only if the Removals London Company (RCY) team will prepare and pack for the transport all of the things described in the Inventory list by our customer.

1. Our responsibility

1.1 On our responsibility is to deliver your goods for you from “moving from address” to “moving to address” in the same condition as they were in at the time when they were packed or otherwise made ready for transportation.
All goods are insured in The van For up to £10,000. We are not liable for the first £250.00 per claim. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure extra insurance is arranged if required.
Goods will be protected only by our insurer if the Removals London Company (RCY) team will prepare for the transport all of the things described in Transport List by our customer.
1.2 In the event that we have undertaken to pack the goods, or otherwise make them ready for transportation. It is our responsibility to deliver them to you undamaged. By “undamaged” we mean in the same condition as they were immediately prior to being packed/made ready for transportation.
13 If we fail to discharge the responsibilities identified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2, we will, subject to the provisions of clauses 7, 8, and 10, be liable under this agreement to compensate you for such failure.
1.4 We will not be liable to compensate you where clause 2.2, 3.2, and 5.2, apply unless loss or damage occurred as a result of negligence or breach of contract on our part.
1.5 If you do not provide us with a declaration of the value of your goods, or if you do not require us to accept standard liability pursuant to clause 8.1 we will not be liable to you for failure to discharge the responsibilities identified in clause 4.1 and 4.2 unless that failure was caused by negligence or breach of contract on our part.
1.6 The amount of our liability under this clause shall be determined in accordance.

2. Your responsibility

2.1 It is your responsibility to:
2.1.1 Declare to us in writing the value of goods transported. If it is determined that the value of goods transported is lower than declared, you agree that our liability will be reduced. All goods in transit cover up to £10,000
2.1.2 Values such as jewelry, valuables, money should be when moving always with you and under your control. We take no responsibility for loss of cash, jewelry, valuables.
2.1.3 Get the documents, permits, authorizations that allow us to make a move.
2.1.4 Be present or Represented During the collection and delivery.
2.1.5 Take all reasonable steps to ensure code That nothing That Should be removed is left behind and nothing is taken away by mistake.
2.1.6 Ensure proper protection of property left unattended in rooms where people such as (but not limited to) tenants or workmen are or will be present.
2.1.7 Prepare adequately and secure all equipment or electronic equipment.
2.1.8 Make sure the fridges are defrosted and empty before shipping. We are not responsible for the content.
2.1.9 Make sure the delivery address given is correct.
2.2 Ensure that during transport if you do not ride with a driver you have your phone switched on and you are in contact with the driver.
2.2.1 Other than because of our negligence or breach of contract, we will not be held liable for any loss or damage, costs, or additional charges that may result from failure to discharge these responsibilities.

3. Goods which cannot be transported

3.1 Unless previously agreed in writing by the director or other authorized representative of the company, the following items cannot be declared for transport under any circumstances.
Items listed in paragraph 5.1.1 below may present risks to health and safety and fire. Products listed in section 5.1.2 to 3.1.6 below carry other risks and should make their own arrangements for transport.
3.1.1 Prohibited or stolen goods, drugs, pornographic material, potentially dangerous, damaging, or explosive items including gas bottles, aerosols, paints, firearms and ammunition.
3.1.2 Jewellery, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, stamps, coins or goods or collections of any similar kind.
3.1.3 Plants or goods likely to encourage vermin or other pests or cause infestation or contamination.
3.1.4 perishable products and/or services that require a controlled environment.
3.1.5 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish.
3.1.6 Goods that require special licenses.
3,2. Goods listed above may not be transported by us. Removals London Company (RCY) will not accept any liability in connection with the transport of these goods if they are not declared or communicated to transport without our consent or to inform us. It is your responsibility to make sure to delete the goods listed above in section 5.1.2 to 5.1.6

4. Exclusions of liability
4.1 In view of the limited liability shall not be liable for any loss or damage to their goods as a result of fire or explosion howsoever that fire or explosion was caused unless it was negligence or breach of contract.
4.2 in respect of standard liability and limited liability, other than as a result of our negligence or breach of contract will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or failure to the following items:
4.2.1 bonds, securities, stamps of all kinds, manuscripts and other documents electronically held data records, and mobile phones.
4.2.2 Plants or goods likely to encourage vermin or other pests or cause infestation or contamination.
4.2.3 perishable products and/or services that require a controlled environment.
4.2.4 Furs exceeding £ 100 in value, jewelry, watches, precious stones and metals, money, coins, deeds.
4.2.5 Any animals, birds, and fish.
4.3 in respect of standard liability and limited liability, other than as a result of our negligence or breach of contract will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or failure to produce the goods if caused by any of the following circumstances:
4.3.1 by war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, terrorism, rebellion and/or military coup, the act of God, strikes, or other such events outside our control.
4.3.2 Loss or damage due to radiation or radioactive contamination.
4.3.3 Loss or damage resulting from chemical, biological, biochemical, electromagnetic weapons, and cyber attack.
4.3.4 indirect or consequential loss of any kind or description
4.3.5 The normal wear and tear, natural or gradual deterioration, leakage or evaporation or from perishable or unstable. This includes goods left within furniture or appliances.
4.3.6 by pests, moths, insects, and similar infestation, damp, mildew, or rust.
4.3.7 For cleaning, repair, or restoration, unless arranged for work to be carried.
4.3.8 to change the weather and climate.
4.3.9 In the event of any goods in wardrobes, drawers or appliances, or in a package, bundle, carton, case, or another container not both packed and unpacked by us.
4.3.10 Loss of or damage to china, glassware, and fragile items unless they have been both professionally packed and unpacked by us or our subcontractors. In the event of an accident involving the owner packed container where damage would have occurred regardless of the quality packaging, our liability is limited to £ 100 or its actual value, whichever is less.
4.3.11 For electrical or mechanical derangement to any appliance, instrument, clock, computer, or other equipment unless there is evidence relating to external damage.
4.03.12 loss or damage to vehicles caused by scratching and marring unless entered to receive from us a preliminary report of the collection.
4.3.13 loss or damage to the vehicle while it is driven or to be driven under its own power other than for the purpose of loading or unloading.
4.3.14 In case of any goods which are pre-existing defect or are inherently defective.
4.4 No employee of ours shall be separately responsible for any loss, damage, miss-delivery, errors, or omissions resulting from the provisions of this Agreement. 10.5 Our liability will cease after delivery after delivery (see section 11.2)

We shall not be liable for:
Loss or damage caused where Goods have been packed or unpacked by You or others.
If We are negligent or in breach of contract or otherwise responsible for causing loss or damage to Your premises We will pay You either;
A) The cost of repairing the damaged area to a maximum limit of £75, or B) up to a maximum of £75 on each premise.

All claims must be reported at the time of occurrence.
We will not accept any claims after the payment has been made and the Removals London Company (RCY) team has left the site.
Customer responsibility is to arranged extra insurance if required.